Rybka 4 Activation Key
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Successfully entering an activation code for a ChessBase-produced playing program is generally a pretty easy process: you enter the code from the manual’s cover, do the little 4-letter “word puzzle”, click “OK”, and the info gets fired across the Interrant to the ChessBase server. Nothing to it. But when you own more than one ChessBase chessplaying program things get a wee bit trickier.
When activating the software, you have to make sure you’re typing the right code for the right program – and what makes this a little dicey is the fact that the GUI ( Graphic User Interface – what you see on your screen, essentially the “wrapper” for the chessplaying “brain” of the program) is exactly the same between Fritz12, Rybka4, Shredder12, and Junior12; one interface, four engines. While it’s certainly beneficial for you, the end user, to understand this, it’s not strictly a requirement.
What you do need to understand is how to activate your software when you own more than one playing program produced by ChessBase; that’s what this blog post is going to demonstrate. For our example we’ll say that you’ve owned Fritz12 for several months, and have just recently purchased and installed the ChessBase version of Rybka4.
How do you activate your new Rybka software? The first step, of course, is to fire up Rybka. Double-click on its desktop icon to get the program’s splash screen. Then click on the command “Play Rybka”. It is entirely possible that your splash screen will appear to be the one for Fritz12, even though you double-clicked on the Rybka4 icon. Don’t panic; all is well. Just click “Play Fritz” and proceed with the following instructions.
(Remember what I said about all of these programs sharing the same “wrapper”. Clicking “Play Fritz” or “Play Rybka” makes no difference – both take you to exactly the same screen in exactly the same program on your computer.) You’ll see the main chessboard screen appear. Click the round button in the upper left-hand corner of the screen; a drop-down menu will appear.
Click the “Options” button at the very bottom of the menu (highlighted in orange in the following illustration): This brings up the “Options” dialogue box. You’ll see a lot of “file tabs” near the top of this box; click on the “Version” tab: The upper part of this display is called “GUI Version”. The rectangular box in this section is actually a pull-down menu. Click on the button displaying the small black arrow/triangle to pull down this menu: The illustration shows four programs in my pull-down menu; yours will show just the programs you’ve purchased and installed, so you might not see four entries here. We’re activating Rybka4 in this example, so we’ll select “Rybka4” from the list by clicking on it. Then the “GUI Version” display will look like this: Click the “OK” button (at the bottom of the “Options” display) to complete this part of the process. Now that we’ve selected which program we’re going to activate, we’ll move on to the actual activation process.
Rybka Forum
Go back to the round button in the upper left corner of the chessboard screen and click on it; when the menu of commands drops down, select “Activation” and look for the “Activate” command in the submenu off to the side: Click on “Activate”. If you’re using Windows Vista or Windows 7, you’ll see a dialogue asking you to confirm whether you want to run a separate process in Administrator mode.
Click the button to confirm that you wish to do so. After a moment, you’ll see this dialogue appear: This is the dialogue in which you’ll perform the software activation. Find your program’s manual in the software’s DVD case (in this case it’s Rybka4) and type the activation code (found on the manual’s cover) into the series of boxes. Note, while we’re here, that the code in the last box on the right is already filled in for you (in this case it says “RY4”). This is exactly why we went through the initial steps of selecting the program in the “Options” dialogue: to correctly identify the program we want to activate, so that the software could fill in this right-hand box with the correct code. After you’ve filled in the activation code from the program manual’s cover, note the four characters which appear in the green field in the center of this dialogue.
Type these characters into the white box immediately below the green field. Then click “OK” to finish activating your software; the activation code will be sent to ChessBase via your Internet connection to complete the activation process. As I said at the top, it’s pretty easy. Just make sure you’ve selected the proper program in the “Options” dialogue and (most important) make sure you type your activation code correctly, and things should go pretty smoothly. – Steve Lopez Copyright 2011, Steven A. All rights reserved. January 2011 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 20 22 23 24 26 27 29 30 31.
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