Antivirus For Windows Xp 2002 Sp 200
Jul 08, 2013 Best Answer: Really does not matter since your XP is still at SP2. Which means NO windows updates and more than likely, a antivirus software will not.
Hi, Windows Updates no longer works until you have service pack 3. Before you install SP3 read this article and if your PC is an HP Pavilion, Presario or Media Center and has an AMD processor you need to install this patch before installing SP3 to find out if you have an AMD processor. Hold down the Windows key (between Ctrl and Alt) and hit the Pause Break key. Your processor type is shown in the Computer: section Then install SP3 by downloading and running from. You can ignore the text that says that it is for network installations and also ignore the text advising Windows/Microsoft Update if only updating one PC. Then try and get up to date with Windows Updates.
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