Skyer Synscan Az Manual
INSTRUCTION MANUAL AZ-EQ6 GT Mount 021112V1. 3.5 Polar Alignment Using SynScan Hand Controller. SETTING UP THE AZ-EQ6 GT MOUNT. Auto tracking telescope manual (2.3 mb) auto tracking 705, 707, 709, 767, 804, 809, 1145, mak80, mak90 az goto manual version gt020609v3-03.05 (1.1 mb).
SkyWatcher AZ-EQ5 SynScan computerized mount with SynScan hand pad, with dual-axis motor drive, tripod with integrated half-pillar and encoders on both axis. 12V power supply included in the price! The SkyWatcher AZ-EQ5 mount is based on the bigger model AZ-EQ6 with respect to which offers better portability and lower weight. Thanks to its advanced technical features (including the possibility of double-use equatorial or altazimuth mode, new hybrid motors and encoders on both axes), it offers the best performances ever for a not too high cost mount. The SkyWatcher AZ-EQ5 mount is based on the bigger model AZ-EQ6 with respect to which offers better portability and lower weight. Thanks to its advanced technical features (including the possibility of double-use equatorial or altazimuth mode, new hybrid motors and encoders on both axes), it offers the best performances ever for a not too high cost mount.
Fantastic tips. Answered many of my queries.
I purchased a 2nd hand handset off ebay last week and managed to use it last night for first time. Weather has been poor except taking the wife to Huddersfield Observatory for a romantic night in the cold last week. The list of stars and star maps will be very useful. I managed to look at m31, m45 and Jupiter although the later was easy to find!!
Was observing during next doors firework display and managed to head butt the scope a couple of times due to shock from the bangs. Also the scope clashed with the mount a couple of time when going near vertical and then had a few problems aligning after that. Will try again this week.
I have an AZ Autotracking Mount. Do you have to set the home position (latitude and north) as page 6 of the manual before I use the SynScan? I have found everything in this discussion to be very helpful, and especially the alignment star list.
In that regard, I was surprised to note that on the night you go off summer time, the automatic alignment star selection changes - in fact it becomes a lot more friendly! Since the sky hasn't changed noticeably in one day, I don't quite understand this. (My date and time are input from the GPS module.) I'd like to raise a separate question. Has anyone had a situation in which the manual slewing controls on the SynScan handset simply stop working, while the GoTo slewing continues to function properly? When this has happened, I have even parked the telescope, cycled the power, and started over, with no success.
Finally, after running several GoTo slews, the manual controls started working again. This has actually happened to me with two different handsets. Anyone have any thoughts?
I have found everything in this discussion to be very helpful, and especially the alignment star list. In that regard, I was surprised to note that on the night you go off summer time, the automatic alignment star selection changes - in fact it becomes a lot more friendly!
Since the sky hasn't changed noticeably in one day, I don't quite understand this. (My date and time are input from the GPS module.) So you should stay on GMT (which is Universal Time) all year, as far as the SynScan is concerned!! And ditch the GPS. Edited November 7, 2012 by cantharis. I'd like to raise a separate question. Has anyone had a situation in which the manual slewing controls on the SynScan handset simply stop working, while the GoTo slewing continues to function properly? When this has happened, I have even parked the telescope, cycled the power, and started over, with no success.
Finally, after running several GoTo slews, the manual controls started working again. This has actually happened to me with two different handsets. Anyone have any thoughts? Evan Yes, I have.
I decided it was due to low volatage from my power supply. I had loaded the power supply pretty well that night with two dew strips and and a camera. When I powered up a fluorescent panel I could not orientate the scope vertically to attach it; one axis worked but not the other. I did a reset and realign, reduced the load on the power supply and all was well. Good thread this and excellent link for the alignment stars. Another vote for Scope Help. I also use Measures which includes an inclinometer; I use it to set the elevation of the RA axis.
My big blunder using Synscan was to put the date in incorrectly. I used day-month-year for several nights and wondered why the scope was pointing in crazy directions. It was only when it would not accept 14 as a month that I realised what I was doing wrong. I use 10 X 1.2V rechargeables to power my Synscan AZ.
Just go to Maplins and you can get a pack to connect then up. I then used the connector from the supplied 8 X 1.5V pack to wire up. The 10 pack will just fit in the leather/plastic pouch provided. I simply strap the pack to the base of the arm which holds the scope.
Gives me at least 4 hours power and eliminates 'cordwrap' problems. Also put a 5kg flat dumbell weight on the centre tray- this keeps things nice and steady and is OK to put your EPs on too. I decided it was due to low volatage from my power supply. I had loaded the power supply pretty well that night with two dew strips and and a camera.
When I powered up a fluorescent panel I could not orientate the scope vertically to attach it; one axis worked but not the other. I did a reset and realign, reduced the load on the power supply and all was well. No question of power for me. I'm using mains power with a Celestron adapter.
12.2 v solid. The locking up of the manual slewing controls seems to show up when you power up and continue from 'Park.'
I'm using the latest beta firmware, and I am wondering if there might be a glitch. I'm still having issues setting up the GOTO mount, think I need to find someone locally to show me how to do it right! If I follow the instructions I downloaded it takes half my viewing time setting it up.
And there is the issue! I find GOTO a slow old process in a movable set up. I know others get on fine with it but I used to spend ages aligning and even then it isn't perfect. It has limitations. A permanent pier / set up is a lot easier and makes goto brilliant.
The best way is PC control through EQMOD. Typed by me on my fone, using fumms. Excuse eny speling errurs. Just a note on PAE - according to the manual, the data is stored even when you switch the mount off. However this is only useful if you park your scope and do not move it between session.
Probably worth clearing the PAE data as part I your alignment routine unless you have a permanent set up. Clear skies Paul Now this I didn't know!
Skymax-127 Synscan Az Goto
So it is true moving the scope in and out is really a hassle then. And also I found out that to track you need to align first. Why couldn't it be like the autotrack version then?
I take the entire thing in and out each time and it definitely seems like it would be better as a permanent fixture, especially equatorials due to getting decent polar alignment every session. If astrophotography is your aim then a pier is a excellent idea, or at least finding a way to keep the mount set up with covering over it for protection, to get set up in the shortest possible time.
But like me not everyone can leave equipment outside. If your just observing then a rough polar alignment - ie just get polaris in the polarscope's center - with a reasonably levelled mount will do, then start in 'home' - (weights downward and in line with the 'north' tripod leg, and scope up, pointing at pole,) then choose 1 star align selecting a bright easy to find star ( this is assuming the rest of your info - lat/long date time etc is also done) and press slew to object. It will not quite find it first slew so unlock clutches and manually get your align star in finder then lock up and fine tune using handset, then press enter - it will say successful with luck, you can use PAE afterwards on different stars to get a better fix on the scope's position. I think the mount's tracking relies on being aligned, but i'm not sure.
There is a tracking option in handset menu which sets the motor humming but not sure if its accurate when not aligned - its always worth a shot. If you set up in a different spot each time then this is when goto is least helpful and usually least accurate too. You'll need things like star map or planetarium app on your phone, a lat long/GPS app will also help. Some people use illuminated polarscopes and/or polarscope webcams when setting up in dark fields or uneven rough ground to save their knees and backs, but mostly I would expect a smaller set-up to be used for this - though many do take massive amounts of kit to remote sites in cars, especially for AP. The newest version of synscan EQ firmware has a polar align feature that takes some of the hassle and need for absolute accuracy out of the set-up procedure, its still beta test at the moment but good things are being said of it. As I have just recently changed from AZ to EQ goto I cant really be of much use, but I hope some of the above is useful. Best of luck Aenima.
Skywatcher Synscan Az
I don't know about the mounts, but the latest beta firmware upgrade for the SynScan is ambidextrous. With the last production firmware, you had to choose EQ or AZ.
Synscan Controller
Evan Im guessing that the handsets - both - can have the new version installed and then be interchangeable? For me this is quite a vital bit of info, being clumsy I have dropped the handset a few times and the last time this happened a little piece of something was chipped or dislodged and a tiny rattling sound can occasionally be heard inside. So being able to use the one handset between two mounts would be handy to say the least. Regards Aenima.