Car Rigging In Maya Tutorial Pdf
Joe Cosman Learning Messiah Rigging-Advanced Facial Rigging Part 1 & 2 English WMV 9 800x600 10.00fps 400Kbps WMA 44100Hz mono 32Kbps 1.12GB Genre: elearning Using Messiah Studio software, learn to create flexible, elastic rigs for facial animation Explore more Facial Rigging Techniques in this second Tutorial set. Get introduced to the power of Messiah:animate through sets of tutorials that teach by example. Learn the basics of full body rigging, and easy facial rigging with messiah. Continue your Rigging experience through tried and true techniques in this second character rigging video set.
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Digital Tutors - Curve-based Facial Rigging in Maya 2011 Digital Tutors - Curve-based Facial Rigging in Maya 2011 English VP6F 782x646 MP3 96 kbps 2.03 GB Genre: eLearning We'll take the Facial Action Coding System approach of controls muscles to mold facial expressions. Step by step, we'll construct a facial control rig that is robust, sufficient, and animator-friendly. We'll learn everything from how to deform a mesh by a curve's shape, to creating controls for those curves that will provide the animator with the functionality they need to create entertaining facial animations. We'll also learn how utilize nodes and expressions to automate certain components of our control rig.
Maya Tutorial Pdf
By the end of this course, you'll have the fund of knowledge you need to create your own curve-based control rigs that produce natural and appealing facial expressions. Digital Tutors - Curve-based Facial Rigging in Maya 2011 English VP6F 782x646 MP3 96 kbps 2.03 GB Genre: eLearning We'll take the Facial Action Coding System approach of controls muscles to mold facial expressions. Step by step, we'll construct a facial control rig that is robust, sufficient, and animator-friendly.
We'll learn everything from how to deform a mesh by a curve's shape, to creating controls for those curves that will provide the animator with the functionality they need to create entertaining facial animations. We'll also learn how utilize nodes and expressions to automate certain components of our control rig. By the end of this course, you'll have the fund of knowledge you need to create your own curve-based control rigs that produce natural and appealing facial expressions. Maya 2011 Essential Training 1.29GB Genre: eLearning In Maya 2011 Essential Training, George Maestri demonstrates the tools and feature set in Maya, as well as the skills necessary to model, texture, animate, and render projects with this deep and robust piece of 3D animation software from Autodesk.
This course takes an in-depth tour of Maya's interface, including navigating and manipulating objects in 3D and customizing the workspace. The course also covers object creation and modeling basics, shading and texturing, surface mapping techniques, character rigging, and lastly, rendering and final output. Exercise files accompany the course. Digital Tutors - Animating with Props in Maya 2011 English VP6F 782x646 MP3 96 kbps 240 MB Genre: eLearning This course covers tools and techniques for animating props in Maya. We'll discuss methods that are animator-friendly for prop animation. We'll learn how to animate constrained objects, how to blend smoothly between our space-switches as we keyframe a constraint's weight, and we'll even explore at technique for switching between spaces with no offset.
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At the end of this course, you'll have the knowledge you need to overcome the challenges of prop animation. Yourself Fitness - Interactive Personal Trainer 1.1GB Make a Promise to yourself today and begin a commitment to your health for life with Yourself!Fitness. Maya, the Yourself!Fitness personal trainer, will help you choose your health and fitness goals and then she will work with you to achieve them.
Maya will guide you through dynamic workouts featuring over 500 unique exercises - ensures no two workouts are ever the same. Choose your music, your mood, your focus and Maya will take care of the rest.
More details follow. Interactive - With Yourself!Fitness you will be in a one-on-one training situation with Maya. Maya will respond to your needs and guide you through your workout giving you step-by-step coaching from warm-up to cool-down.
Advanced Car Rigging in Maya with Mark Hedron – Part One – Creative Studio: Advanced Car Rigging in Maya with Mark Hedron Published by 3d Studio UK and Octohedron Design December 8, 2011 Autodesk Maya Author: Mark Hedron Throughout this Maya tutorial, we will take a look at how to create an animation rig with automatic controls for cars and vehicles in Autodesk Maya.This tutorial will cover the creation and implementation of a car rig in Maya. We will look at the creation of a generic animation rig and then expand on this by adding automation and terrain attachment controls. Part One: 01 Introduction and project overview 02 Preparing the scene 03 Finishing the clean up of the scene 04 Wheel rotation Controls (Locators) 05 Main Car Controls Curves 06 Organizing the Controllers 07 Control naming and hierarchy placement 08 Hypergraph Hierarchy) We have four groups: 1.
Front Wheel 3. Right Wheel 4. Left Wheel Create Locator “VEHcarRoot” for the Highest Level of hierarchy Select everything (all 4 groups) in Outliner and drag under the locator node VEHcarRoot Parent all 4 groups to this Locator 03 Finishing the Clean Up of the Scene Check Geometry Hide everything, except wheels (Select “Regal Reliant Body” in outliner and press CTRL+H) Select in Outliner Front Wheel and: 1.
Delete History (Edit - Delete By Type - History) 2. Freeze Transformations (Modify - Freeze Transformations) 3. Center Pivot (Modify - Center Pivot) Repeat all steps (1-3) for all wheels and for car body.
04 Wheel Rotation Controls (Locators) Create Locator “FrontWheelLocator” for the Front Wheel Move (press “W” Key) this locator to the center of the front Wheel Hold down “V” or “X” Key for snaping First select Front Wheel in Outliner, then select (hold down CTRL) FrontWheelLocator and click “p” for parent or drag (press MMB) Front Wheel under the Locator node in Outliner. Repeat everything for the Right and the Left Wheel (create and center RightWheelLocator,LeftWheelLocator to the right and left wheel) Now we have 3 locators for the wheels. Hypergraph Hierarchy: 05 Main Car Controls Curves Create rectangle for the main car control, press W (move tool) Create - NURBS Primitives - Circle Create arrow for steering control Create - EP Curve Tool, Curve Degree 1 Linear Create (Move & Snap) rounded Rectangle for Front Wheel, duplicate this rectangle for Right Wheel and Left Wheel Now we have single control for every wheel. Create (Move & Snap) Circle NURBS Primitives - Circle for Front, Right and Back Wheel Move the pivot point of this controler and positon it with wheel locator. Chapter 08 - PDF Version The purpose of this chapter is to show you how to rotate the wheels on a car so they follow the car as it move.
Autodesk Maya Rigging
Step 1 Select “RightWheelLocator”, we need only rotate X attribute. In attribute editor select (Translation X,Y,Z, Scale X,Y,Z and Rotation Y,Z), right click and “lock and hide selected”. Click to Enlarge Step 2 Go to side view, use the distance tool to measure the radius of the wheel, as shown below.Create - Measure Tools - Distance Tool Click to Enlarge Regal Reliant Wheel radius is r= 3.054 units. Circumference of Wheel = 2.r. π = 2. 3.054. 3.14 = 19.179 2.r.
π = Distance Now we know that when the Reliant Regal travels a distance of 19.179 units the wheels should rotate 360 degrees. Click to Enlarge Step 3 Select “RightWheelLocator”, right click on Rotate X Attribute,go to Editors - Expressions Click to Enlarge In “Expression” field copy/paste. RightWheelLocator.rotateX = (CarRootControl.translateZ / (2. 3.14. 3.054 )). 360; LeftWheelLocator.rotateX = (CarRootControl.translateZ / (2.
3.14. 3.054 )). 360; FrontWheelLocator.rotateX = (CarRootControl.translateZ / (2.
3.14. 3.054 )). 360; Click to Enlarge Click Edit. Circumference -The distance around the circle. Diameter – The longest distance from one end of a circle to the other. Radius – Distance from center of circle to any point on it. Origin – The center of the circle.
Π /Pi/ – Mathematical constant, 3.141592 Diameter = 2 x Radius of circle Circumference of Circle = PI x diameter = 2 PI x radius Car Distance (Translation) = 2. r. π = Wheel Circumference 2.r. π = Distance (Car Translation in Z)= Circumference of Wheel = units.
Wheel Rotation = (Car Translation / 2.r. π).360 RightWheelLocator.rotateX = (CarRootControl.translateZ / (2. )). 360 360 = (19.179/ 12 Rigging Windshield Wipers Click for PDF Version! Chapter 12 This chapter will show you how to rig a windshield (windscreen) wipers using Autodesk Maya.
The final result will be automatic wipers movement controled by dashboard switch. You will be able to turn on/off wipers and change windshield wipers speed by pressing a switch. Final Result after this Chapter You will be able to turn on/off wipers by pressing a switch. Wipers Expression (Equation) Before this Chapter: rY = (sin (0.9. time).
Angle) + Position Wipers Expression After this Chapter: rY = WipersOnOff.(sin (0.9. frame. (WipersSpeed). 60) + 330) Step 1 – Cleaning up the scene, General Wipers Equation Open the file “ReliantRegalChapter12.mb”provided with this chapter. Windscreen Wiper rotate around Y axis as shown in the image below, we need only rotate Y attribute. Open Outliner (– Window – Outliner) and select “WipersGroup”, Delete History (Edit – Delete By Type – History), in attribute editor select (Translation X,Y,Z, Scale X,Y,Z and Rotation Y,Z), right-click and choose “lock and hide selected”. Click to Enlarge General expression (equation) for Windshield Wipers: rY = (sin (0.9.
time). Angle) + Position rY – Rotation Axis Angle – Wipe Angle Position – Initial Wiper Position (Start position, ‘Zero’position ), Offset for position Visit for info and more Maya Expressions.
Step 2 – How to determine Initial Wiper Position In local coordinate space rotate Wiper around Y axis in counterclockwise direction (CCW), and set initial position for the Wiper Arm. In this example Initial position is 330, degrees. Enter this value in equation (expression) Windshield Wipers expression before step 2: rY = (sin (0.9. frame).
Angle) + Position Windshield Wipers expression after step 2: rY = (sin (0.9. frame). Angle) + 330 Step 3 – Wipe Angle (Defining Coverage Area) Now we will set/determine angle for Wipers windscreen coverage, Enter “ 60” in equation. Windshield Wipers expression before step 3: rY = (sin (0.9. frame). Angle) + 330 Windshield Wipers expression after step 3: rY = (sin (0.9.
frame). 60) + 330 Step 4 – Adding custom Wipers control attributes (Wipers Speed & Switch) In order to effectively control the Wipers we will need two additional attributes. “ WipersSpeed” and “ WipersSwitch” (“WipersOnOff”).